(In my BEST singing voice- which may sound a little like nails on a chalkboard.)
"I've been working on the
railroad classroom,
all the live long day!!!
I've been working on the
railroad classroom,
just to pass the summer away...
Can't you hear my
whistle duck call quacking?
Rise up so early before noon;
Don't you hear the teacher shouting,
"Johnny, you better change your tune!"
Hahaha... you know I'm kidding! That last line was a hard one! So I went with being witty. ;)
(I apologize for getting that tune stuck in your brain.)
The line about the duck call is right! With my new obsession of Duck Dynasty I have purchased a duck call. A Teal one to be exact. Found it on sale at Walmart and danced with glee right there in the store. I can't wait to call the kiddos to the carpet with this baby!! Can you say, "creative"?
If you haven't watched the show. I recommend it. HILARIOUS and good family values!
I've worked some today. I feel so stupid productive! It's a Sunday and Summer Vacation! What???
Well, it's one of my favorite things to do... laminate. But, before I could do that I had to make and fix some cute little posters for my classroom! The laminating made it all worth it!
So here are some pics of today's progress. Just a few. I have more cutting out to do...
This will go outside my room above my door with Horton the elephant before the word Horton.
Rules :)
I LOVE this one. If you haven't tried this one. DO IT!! The kids especially love it. All I have to do sometimes is say, "Keep your dear teacher..." with one of those teacherly looks we have. :)
So, are you crazy like me and have started working on your room?
(Honestly, who are we kidding? We've NEVER stopped!)
Let me know what your theme will be. Mine is owls (and ducks) in the woodland habitat!
Quack, quack! Whoooo, whoooo!!